Miss Censordoll slowly hatches a plan to make eggs legal again.
Orel takes righteous action when he concludes that everyone buried in the town's cemetery is rejecting God's greatest gift, Life.
In order to masturbate and still go to heaven, Orel hatches a hair-brained scheme that turns Moralton topsy-turvy.
When Reverend Putty preaches the righteousness of helping the poor, Orel befriends a down-and-out crack dealer.
When Orel learns that God hates waste he decides to recycle his own urine.
A series of improbable assumptions leads Orel from a sermon about marriage straight to the town's only sex shop.
Orel gets a big head when he learns that God is everywhere, even in him.
It's Easter and the lack of happiness in Moralton leads several troubled souls to Forghetty's Pub for some unavailable solace.
Orel needs to discover something to honor his father about and finds it in Coach Stopframe.
A Moral Orel special that sheds light on the origin of Orel's religious nature and the birth of his brother, Shapey.
Putty has some unconventional ideas on death.
The good reverend hates babies. Who would have thought?
A sermon about having a good Christian work ethic evolves into a homophobic tirade.
Reverend Putty’s afraid of getting old.
Reverend Putty tries to give a sermon teaching us how idle hands are the devil’s play things, but gets sidetracked.