While running an errand in Little Columbia, Stan is confronted by his hidden past.
Stan abducts The Weeknd to teach Roger a valuable lesson. Meanwhile, Hayley attempts to sleep with the celebrity singer.
Steve discovers his mom has never stopped giving him her breastmilk.
When Stan sees a middle-school classmate, he feels compelled to right an old wrong; Roger feels a cold coming on.
Hayley takes extreme measures to help Klaus from being deported while the rest of the family tries to open a coconut.
Jeff, Francine and Roger decide to team up and start their own bus tour business, with murderous results!
After Stan is injured, Francine nurses him back to health and he becomes dependent to her. The family discovers Tuttle is a Korean reality show star.
Stan drags the family to a labyrinth for family game night; Roger gets some geese.
Steve and the boys take part in a prison experiment to earn some cash. Meanwhile, Stan deals with the death of his CIA groundskeeper friend.
Steve's efforts to befriend a Swedish exchange student backfire in a big way; The family calls in an animal behaviorist to deal with Klaus.
Stan struggles to cope with the untimely death of his father. Meanwhile, a simple canoeing trip does catastrophic damage to Hayley and Jeff's relationship.
Roger enlists Jeff as his protégé in order to open his dream chivalric strip club. Klaus moves into Steve's room.
Francine steals from the CIA and pretends to be a sexy supervillain to incite Stan to be more seductive. Roger tricks Hayley and Steve into trapping Jay Leno so he can take revenge on him.
Steve becomes the town pariah after he convinces the star quarterback of the arena football team to stop playing. Roger forces Hayley to become a cab driver to pay him back for her gambling debts.
Roger runs off in disguise as a Julia Roberts character to a small town after Stan hurts his feelings. Steve plans a meeting when he finds out that Jeff and Barry have never met.
Stan becomes addicted to "dying" after Roger tricks him into thinking he had a heart attack. Klaus takes Steve to Arizona State University for a college visit, where a fraternity hazes him.
The family competes on the reality show The Bitchin' Race. After Stan and Hayley ditch the less-motivated Steve and Francine and team up, they end up in a Tunisian labor prison.
Francine reconnects with her birth family when she starts craving the experience of having a big family. Stan becomes a Picker based on his obsession with American Pickers.
While having trouble communicating, Stan and Hayley team up to stop a terrorist plot to blow up the Bazooka Sharks arena. Roger pretends to be an escort.
Roger and Klaus start having a secret affair after they accidentally end up on an online date together. Steve tries to catch Hayley's pink eye to get out of doing a fitness test at school.
Stan and Steve open up their own father-son garbage business after Stan inherits his father's old truck. Roger finds Hayley is a natural at bumper pool and brings her to play with the best player in town.
Roger becomes a marionette and injures other students to help Steve win the school talent show. Stan, Hayley and Klaus start their own local honey business.