Channel 5
On Demand Channel 5 Shows
Our Bodies with Tim and Eric
Each week, Tim and Eric discuss the health, wellness, and the human body with a real medical doctor.
Tim and Eric present a grotesquely surreal anthology of discarded sketches, found footage, musical numbers, and 3D animation.
Tim & Eric Qu?z
Each week, Tim and Eric superfans go head to head in twenty four rounds of T&E trivia. Hosted by Tennessee Winston Luke Fortenbury
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!
Tim and Eric's live action sketch show, featuring homages to public access television, nightmare-fueled commercials for faux-products, and a cavalcade of celebrity guest stars such as Jeff Goldblum, Weird Al, Peter Cetera, and more!
An action packed powerhouse Decker: Unclassified follows Agent Jack Decker as he subverts terrorist plots against his beloved America. Joined by ally and master code breaker Agent Jonathan Kington, the two navigate evils both foreign and domestic threatening a once great nation.
Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule
Check It Out is as parody of as local market’s newsmagazines show starring Oscar-nominee John C. Reilly as Dr. Steve Brule. Each week’s our host Dr. Brule will introduces his audiences to local celebrities and interesting thing’s around towns as well a providings health’s and lifestyle tip’s.
On Cinema At The Cinema
Tim Heidecker and his guest Gregg Turkington discuss what movies you should see this weekend and what movies you can wait to see on video or even not even see.
Tim & Eric's Bedtime Stories
Tim and Eric weren’t satisfied disturbing viewers during normal business hours. They’re bringing their demented, slapstick mayhem into dreamland with Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories.
Tom Goes to the Mayor
Tom Peters recently moved to Jefferton and has several ideas to improve the small, rundown town. He has the attention of the mayor, who is receptive to the proposals and often endorses them. But the mayor usually tweaks Tom's ideas first, which makes them backfire with disastrous results, but Tom is usually left accountable for the subpar ideas the mayor implements.