Stan has Roger pretend to be a shark to help Steve overcome his fears. Hayley's friend Danuta becomes romantically interested in Klaus.
Hayley and Jeff move into a van and start living life on the open road. Francine and Steve are haunted by a rideshare driver that they rated poorly.
Steve goes undercover as a school hall monitor. Roger and Stan go catatonic after witnessing a grisly escalator accident.
Jeff is forced to take Francine out for a not-so-wild night on the town. Klaus forces Steve to watch his celebrity impressions.
Francine helps Hayley take a break from their marriages. Stan and Jeff pretend to be frontiersmen.
Stan buys the rights a Broadway show after inheriting money from a dead uncle.
Steve's life is turned upside down when Snot gets rich after his mom starts selling a new dipping sauce. Klaus, Stan, Roger and Jeff become mall fashion show models.
Stan, reluctantly invites Roger into his ham club. Francine decides to scare Greg.
Thanks to Roger, Snot discovers his dead father was a demolition derby driver. Hayley takes Steve on a road trip, so he can learn to drive.
Roger tries to force Hayley into graduating from community college so he can move into her room. Klaus repairs Francine's car.
Roger helps Stan enter Francine's dreams after he becomes insecure about their contents.
Klaus leaves the family after one too many harassments. 15 years later, they reconnect for his funeral.
The Smith family forgets to celebrate Father's Day, and so to make it up to Stan, they plan out the perfect day. Stan uses a CIA device to erase their memories and have them continually plan perfect days for him.
Stan goes over-the-top to produce a reenactment of Charles Lindbergh's solo flight for Steve's school project after he gets an F. Klaus buys a pair of shoes online and Hayley helps him harass the neighbor they believe has stolen them.
Hayley takes Roger with her to a meditation center and he quickly takes over, becoming one of the world's leading authorities on meditation. Stan and Steve become apprentices as they are taught the art of making sushi.
Stan is embarrassed when a painting of Francine's genitals, done by a famous artist, is unveiled at the museum. Steve turns to helping people after masturbation is ruined by his mom's portrait.
Stan is upset at the idea of becoming a grandfather after Hayley and Jeff announce they're trying to have a baby. Steve and Klaus join a drug gang after Steve decides to take being an uncle extra seriously.
Hayley experiences what pregnancy would be like after Roger agrees to give birth to Jeff so he can be human again. Snot's feelings are hurt when Steve secretly signs him up for a makeover.
The Smith family must rescue Steve after he is kidnapped and taken to the North Pole. There, Santa Claus is using children to mine for precious stones that he needs to perform an ancient ritual.
Francine becomes less attracted to Stan when he gets involved with slot car racing. Roger becomes a stewardess to perform comedy routines on the plane but is upset when another stewardess is funnier than him.
Steve and his friends take up witchcraft to gain power and popularity at school. Stan and Klaus become obsessed with remembering 90s bands.
Klaus gets transferred into the navigation system of Stan's car after Stan refuses to pay for a life-saving surgery. Steve and his friends prank Roger's Frank character and he terrorizes them for revenge.